Amanda Holst

Amanda Holst, Communications Program Manager, Webex Blog

Amanda has over 20 years experience in project/program managing, marketing, digital content, and start-ups. Amanda has played a variety of leadership roles in technology, education and health, mostly having to do with working strategically with cross-functional teams in order to streamline processes and efficiently execute the common goals of the organization. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, continuing her doctoral education in Global Leadership/ Organizational Management, and exercising. Research interests include collective sensemaking, artificial intelligence, ethical leadership, and leadership development.

コラボレーションによる争い解決法: Michael Gregory 氏へのインタビュー
グループの創造性とコラボレーション: R. Keith Sawyer 博士へのインタビュー
協調型リーダーシップと AI の役割
お客様とのコラボレーションを通じた役割と社会責任の強化Cisco Webex
Webex コンテストで勝つ
Webex Teams: 上の部屋に座っている間に、自宅で自宅のように感じている
これは最終的なカウントダウンです! 本日、Cisco SXSW パネル ピッカーに投票してください!