Hybrid work is here to stay. In order to really make hybrid work a success, optimizing workspaces for instantaneous collaboration is essential. That’s why Webex is making any shared workspace a collaborative environment that connects people with the touch of a button. Webex Meetings is now included on shared Cisco collaboration devices – no additional license required!
This means teams collaborating in a workspace with our award-winning devices can initiate a Webex Meeting instantly, regardless of their existing meeting provider. And for customers already using Webex Meetings, you no longer need to pair your laptop to a Cisco device to start a meeting. Now it’s even easier to work together, using our powerful devices and high-quality Webex meetings. Enjoy industry-leading audio and video intelligence-powered experiences such as background noise removal and People Focus, for more inclusive meeting experiences.
The power of an all-in-one collaboration tool
Today, many organizations pay for multiple collaboration tools from different vendors. However, with Webex meetings included with Cisco devices, customers no longer need to pay for hardware and software separately. This truly defines interoperability.
By equipping your organization with the right Cisco devices for your unique workspaces and work styles, you get a head start on video conferencing. On Cisco devices in shared spaces, like hot desks, it’s simple for anyone to invite people to a meeting, here’s how:
Simply type in a colleague’s name and add them to the meeting.

Type in any email, and they will receive a meeting invitation (planned for September release).

Scan QR code
Once you scan the QR code, you can copy & paste meeting information on any platform.

If you’re in the office with a colleague and need to quickly connect with another colleague or customer, now you can walk into a conference room and tap the Webex button. You can invite colleagues directly from the directory or scan the meeting QR code to share the meeting invite to a customer, even if they don’t have a Webex account. Or, if you want to invite a customer, you can type in their email address and send an invite (planned for September release)!
This conference room is transformed into a collaborative space, giving you the flexibility to improve hybrid work in the office.
To learn more about how Webex meetings on Cisco Devices can improve collaboration for your team, get in touch with our team today.