One of the last questions to ask before you decide on an event app is which version best fits what you need. Specifically, should you go for a white label event app or a container app?
An analysis of more than 800 events shows that:
- 66% use a white label event app.
- 34% use a container app.
To answer which type of app is best for you, you need to know the differences between them. You can then see how well a container or white label app aligns with the unique needs of your event.
Here’s what you need to know to make the best choice.
Comparing White Label Event Apps & Container Apps
What Is a White Label Event App?
A white label app is often referred to as a branded or custom event app. These apps offer the broadest customization, such as presenting your event’s name in the app store and on the splash screen. Because they offer the most customization options, white label apps support a more interactive and memorable brand experience.
What Is a Container App?
A container app comes from whoever you decide to use for app creation and hosting. This means your event will live in an app along with other events. Put another way, your event is contained within a provider’s event app. Attendees, sponsors, and speakers will join your specific event within the container app.
Depending on what you need for your event and your constraints, one or the other may be the better choice for you. Consider these five things before making your decision.
The White Label Event App Vs. Container App Experience
1. Downloading the App
For a white label event app, attendees and partners downloading your app will:
- Search for the specific event name to find the app.
- See your logo or other specific branding when the discover the app.
- Download the app.
But for a container app, the process looks like this:
- Search for the container app.
- See the logo/branding of the company you chose to create your event app.
- Download the app.
- Search for a specific event.
- Join the event.

Brand awareness is something to think about here. Do you want people to instantly see your brand and your official event name, or are you alright with them waiting a few moments to search for and find you?
2. Customizing the Look
Creating an app that showcases your brand is possible no matter what kind of app you choose. The main difference is the degree of branding you need for a successful event.

If you want to push brand awareness front and center, a white label event app is the stronger choice. It allows you to choose a specific color scheme and app store logo design.
But if you don’t need that level of customization (or if you’re running low on time), a container app still allows you to build strong brand awareness. It offers options such as customizable banners, custom icons, and more.
3. Understanding the Pricing
A white label event app costs more than a container app because there’s more involved in building and publishing. Along with setting up an Apple developer account, you’ll also have to decide on color scheme, custom icons, splash screens, custom banners, and the name and logo of your app.
The price difference between white label and container apps is important to note so that you choose the solution that works for your budget. If brand experience is priority and you have the budget, white label is the smarter choice. But if time and budget present too much constraint, a container might be better.
One last thing to keep in mind when comparing white label and container apps. Ask yourself how monetizing the app would impact your choice. If you expect event sponsors will want to buy banner ads in the app, that can help recoup some budget and will be available in both white label and container apps. On the other hand, customized splash screens are a white label specific option.
4. Investing Time
Because it streamlines the process, a container app makes building and publishing your event go quickly. Once the event is published, it will immediately show up in the container app.
That’s not the case for white label apps. For that, you’ll need an Apple developer account, which can take up to six weeks to set up since the process is pretty involved.

So if you don’t have a lot of time before your event kicks off, go for a container app. If you’ve got the time, go for a white label event app.
5. Providing Needed Items
If you do decide to go with a white label app and are asked for things such as custom icons, color scheme, or splash screens, will you be able to provide them? Is your team ready to take on the work necessary to really optimize the app? If the answer to both of those questions is yes, then white label is a strong option. If not, take another look at a container app.
Now that you understand the main differences between a white label event app, the next step is choosing the right one for your event. Good luck and enjoy the fun that is creating your event app, no matter which option you choose.
And just in case you want a quick way to figure out what you need, check out this infographic.