Here’s how we’re making the virtual and hybrid school year work better for you
September is a special time of year for kids. Summer comes to an end, and the excitement of summer activities is exchanged for the eager anticipation of starting a new school year with friends and classmates. This year, things certainly feel a bit different. While your kids may not be going back to the physical classroom, that doesn’t mean the excitement needs to evaporate!
A physical classroom doesn’t take away the need to buy new school supplies, the fresh smell of opening a textbook, or witnessing the twinkle of knowledge sparkling in your child’s eye. We have a solution to help make the transition a little easier.
This year, Webex is helping millions of students experience school virtually, and we’re very excited to announce a bunch of new updates and features that will make the education experience even better. Webex is already known as the most secure, most reliable video conferencing platform and now, these additional features are propelling us to the lead as the most effective platform for virtual education!
We’re excited to show you a number of exciting features that will make it even easier and more effective to use Webex at school with our Hybrid Environments for the workplace and the classroom:
Virtual classroom doors can be locked
Say good-bye to stranger-danger. Teachers can make sure no unwanted visitors crash their classrooms by allowing only signed-in students and guests to attend.
Breakout rooms for better learning
Break away from the larger class to launch smaller group sessions. This can help students feel more connected, and allow more students to vocalize and share their opinions or tackle group work.
Bring order to the classroom
Managing students in the classroom can be difficult, so maintaining the classrooms environment over video might seem impossible. The introduction of more teacher-oriented controls enables a better in-class experience.
Live class transcripts
The Webex Assistant can transcribe the class lecture and provide the post-class write-up, allowing students the chance to read through any missed information while providing further opportunity to let the learnings sink in.
Classroom connections
With Messaging integrated into Webex, classmates and teachers can share ideas and engage on any topic being taught in class. Learning goes beyond just what the teacher is teaching.
Read more about our announcements and get an in-depth view into the myriad of ways that Webex can create the best virtual and hybrid classroom experience.
Learn more hybrid learning tips from teachers, for teachers
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Additional Resources
Learn more hybrid learning tips from teachers, for teachers
Webex Integration Partners join Cisco in offers for education
Experience the new Webex for Dedication – Simple and secure out-of-the-box
Blackboard Learn and Webex join forces to expand the reach of education
Education Resources
Cisco Webex Education Connector
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