Cisco Live US is upon us and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be in San Diego next week! This is the perfect opportunity for our Cisco Collaboration customers and partners to have first hand conversations and demonstrations from our innovative integration partners in the World of Solutions. So I thought it would be useful to highlight a few of our prominent Webex Ecosystem partners so you can know what to expect before you arrive.
You’ll see that these companies add value to the entire Webex portfolio whether it is Meetings, Teams or Devices. Plus several of the vendors have cross portfolio/architecture value whether that be to our Unified Communications, IP Phones, Jabber or even Meraki offerings. Another common trait you’ll see is that several of these solutions are available on the Cisco Global Price List. Plus, a few of them even offer you a way to schedule time with their teams in advance online like Appspace and Vyopta! Directly next to the Webexperience Zone where the Cisco team will be showcasing all of our awesome products and latest features, you’ll find our Collaboration Partner Village where many of these partners can be found. Here’s a sneak peek of what that area will look like and one piece of advice- definitely do not miss out on seeing Oblong’s unique footprint and demo at the center of the Village.
In the village we will have a full lineup of speakers throughout the week in our theater. Make sure to keep an eye on all of the presentations scheduled and attend any that you feel may be able to help you get the most out of your Webex environment. Looking forward to seeing you all there!