Socio Wins Best Technology Start-Up at the Event Technology Awards 2020

On By mikelafollette2 Min Read
socio wins best tech start-up of the year

Socio was named the Best Technology Start-Up at Event Industry News’ Event Technology Awards 2020 ceremony, hosted by James Dickson and ETA co-founder Adam Parry.

The event ran November 2 to 6 in the UK and brought together a global audience for ETA’s virtual ceremony.

Before announcing Socio as the winner, host Dickson said, “One of the judges commented, ‘I’ve had the pleasure of using the platform multiple times — as a speaker and an event producer, and I’m a huge fan of the app and its synergy between offline and online.’”

“I’m extremely proud of everything our team has accomplished over the past year as we’ve worked tirelessly to deliver the end-to-end event platform our clients and the market demanded,” said Yarkin Sakucoglu, Socio CEO and Co-founder. “Winning Best Tech Start-Up validates all the long days and hard work we’ve put into bringing the future of event technology to life.”

Click here to view the full ceremony. Socio is featured at the 4:30 mark.

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mikelafollette Writer Red Pen Content
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